Integrating the image archive to interface with the Internet banking application can allow the retail customers of the Bank to view their paid cheques over the Web and print the same for their records. This provides the bank with an opportunity to generate additional revenue by charging a fee to the customers availing this service.
The Banks’ can install a cheque deposit kiosk which can provide the customer with a receipt containing both the image of the cheque deposited as well as the details entered by the customer on the cheque.
The above value added service can also be thought of being provided through the ATM.
The Bank can also have an interface with the SMS service of the cellular phone providers. Using this service the bank can automatically send SMS messages to their customers advising them of cheques being identified for return in the day’s clearing. This service can be provided in a real-time scenario and would ensure that lesser cheques are returned via clearing.
The other benefit can be that the Bank can increase the time for the cheque collection process as the activities of cheque truncation and imaging will take much lesser time than manual process. This would facilitate sending the cheques deposited for clearing even after the stipulated time.