ChequeMan Blog

Smart and Easy Cheque Printing Software


General Features

  • Supports multiple Account Holders ⁄ Bank Accounts
  • Smart, quick, error free Cheque preparation
  • Handy tool for all cheque related information
  • Maintains a complete inventory of cheques
  • User-friendly, flexible, powerful & reliable
  • Improves accuracy and efficiency
  • Works in existing environment of computer and printer
  • Backup & Restoration of Data (including scanned Cheque formats)
  • Auto system for software updates directly through the web connectivity

Installation & Setup

  • Get started with ChequeMan in less than five minutes
  • Simple installation and seamless web-based registration
  • Convenient printer setup for smooth print of cheques

Printing Cheques & Cheque Book Management

  • Interactive Cheque Format Designer
  • Facility to import ready to pre-designed formats
  • Cheque Book Management System
  • Prepare and print up to 50 cheques in one lot
  • Facility to view previously issued cheques at the point of cheque preparation
  • Previously entered Payee Names comes up for auto selection
  • Only the Payee and Amount required – rest taken care by system
  • Auto conversion of number to words
  • Preview of cheques – before actually printing
  • Option for recording remarks against each cheque
  • Auto current date in cheques with option for modification
  • After cheque print command – gets a reconfirmation on printing before data is recorded
  • Option to print on sequential cheque leaves or in any order as desired
  • Post dated cheques can be issued
  • Facility to record manually issued cheques
  • Cancellation of cheques
  • Restoration of cancelled marked cheques for reuse
  • System for printing incomplete cheques (cheques with missing information)

Bulk Cheque Printing

  • Payee batches for routine periodical cheque printing – useful for salary, rent, etc.
  • Generate & print EMI cheques at amazing speed
  • Import data from excel spreadsheet and print cheques

Queries & Reports

  • Reports across Account Holders & Payees
  • Cheque Issue Reports – Detailed / Summary
  • Payee Cheque Issues – Detailed / Summary
  • Cheque Book Reports – Detailed / Summary
  • List of Cancelled Cheques
  • Reports of Bulk Printing – Batch / EMI / Excel Import
  • Incomplete Cheques and its tracking till updated
  • Powerful Query Report – for extraction of filtered / specific information

Security Features

  • Password protection for unauthorized access
  • Double keying of amount before printing of cheques
  • Records details of cheque cancellations
  • Tracking of incomplete cheques

User Preferences

  • Printing Font & Size selection
  • Text & Amount formatting
  • Printing of ‘Not Over …’ in Cheques

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