ChequeMan Blog

Smart and Easy Cheque Printing Software

More on CTS related issues that needs to be taken care of before implementation


Huge Investments are required by the Banks to go for a Cheque Truncation System (CTS). The investments will be in the form of:-

  • Hardware and Connectivity
  • Linking core banking system to imaging system, and
  • Redesigning of process mechanisms, which would require immense training for the Bank officials.

The greatest requirement would be to provide an interface between the Core Banking Solution and the CTS such that:-

  • Data like signature, available balance, customer name etc. could be extracted from core banking system on the basis of MICR data, and
  • Image of the cheque is displayed simultaneously on the screen for verification.

The Banks that do not have a Core Banking Solution can avail the services of the Banks which have them. But, the need for the hour is to go in for a Centralized Banking Platform to service the customers in a much better and efficient way and above all to cut the operating costs of the Bank.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Factors like Cheque volumes, technology infrastructure, cost and other influencing factors would have to be taken into account before going for a Nation-Wide implementation of the Cheque Truncation System. An in-depth Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) has to be done for putting in place the infrastructure

  • At the customer and bank interface levels
  • Within Banks: at the branches and service branches
  • Between the Banks and the Clearing Houses
  • Between the Clearing House and the Settlement Banks

Banks have to decide “Which cheques should be captured as images” (Intercity, Same city, Within Bank) and whether there should be a cut-off amount beyond which the bank will do the cheque truncation or should it truncate all the cheques that are presented.

Time Reduction

With more and more banks trying to network their branches and having a centralized control, Cheque truncation is one solution, if implemented well, can do wonders for the Banking Industry.   It can help banks to compute its members’ clearing statistics and positions in a real-time mode instead of the conventional batch mode at the end of each clearing cycle. Even it can result in same day return clearing if the funds are not sufficient in the payer’s account. The greatest beneficiary will be the Outstation cheques which can with Cheque Truncation be cleared in T+1 or T+2 at the most.

Usage of Image Replacement Document (IRD)

In case the cheques getting returned (due to their being Post Dated, Funds not available, Effects not clear or Exceeds Arrangement) banks around the world are using a substitute of the original cheque in the form of an IRD. IRD is passed to the customer instead of the physical cheque during the return cycle.

This IRD is a scanned image of the cheque taken on a paper with a watermark (for its authenticity) and can be presented again for clearing provided no alterations are done on it. Cases like absence of correct sign, discrepancy of words and figures etc. would require the issue of another cheque by the drawer.

The biggest benefit of IRD will arise if the RBI, in the future, decides to destroy the physical cheque and treat IRD as the next best thing available.

Cheque Truncation vs. EFT/credit transfer

There are two lines of thought on this point.

  • Some say that the increased use of cheque truncation will streamline the handling of cheques, bringing down the unit cost of processing, thereby promoting even greater use of the cheques.
  • The others respond by saying that the loss of float will result in customers moving away from the cheques and towards electronic means of presentment like Credit transfers, EFT and RTGS.

The cheques are so widespread in India that there are a large amount of people that still prefer writing cheques. Hence both these technologies will act complementary to each other rather than there being any competition as both cater to a different group of people.

Banks can also take a decision to route the High Value Clearing through the RTGS channel. If successful, the burden on the clearing system will reduce to a great deal.

Cheque Truncation and Standardization

Their can be two lines of thought for this issue.

  • RBI’s working committee points out that Cheque truncation and standardization (from security and image friendliness perspective) of cheque format should be independent initiatives with the latter being implemented after even after the introduction of cheque truncation. This is true as the truncation process should not be made to wait till the old cheques are fully withdrawn.
  • The second line of thought says that the Banking industry has to adopt new one-sized cheques for both corporate and individual customer’s way ahead of the launch of CTS so that they could get familiar with using these new cheques.

Keeping both these points in view and considering that the banks who have already printed a large number of cheques would entail a huge cost to get rid of them, a collective decision can be taken. The Banks could stop printing any new cheques and go for the standardized cheque format as and when the RBI decides it.


Another issue is “How secure is it to send the MICR data and the images over the IP network – INFINET, VPN, Internet”. RBI has floated RFPs for Vendor selection and one of their demands is the transmission of MICR data and the images using INFINET. Some application can be built on the top of SFMS to send the instrument as a file consisting of both image and data files.

Security over IP is ensured by using a reliable technology called PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) where encryption is a feature – both for data transfer and provide options for encryption based data storage. Security can be further enhanced by incorporating basic security and authentication controls such as dual access control; user ID and passwords with crypto box and smart card interfaces on the top of the PKI technology. Once access is granted, all transactions transmitted over the network are digitally signed and authenticated by both parties.

Another way to increase security as it is done in Singapore is to introduce a check digit in the MICR line to enable verification of the genuineness of the cheque at the presenting bank itself in case of image misreads. But it requires additional costs as hardware and software changes. As we are in the implementation phase, settlement should be generated on the basis of the current structure of the MICR fields. Probably in the future we can go in for a check digit.

Fraud Prevention

The introduction of Cheque Truncation System will ensure Fraud Prevention in the following ways:-

  • With the advancement of technology, new and more sophisticated imaging techniques are available which can help detect frauds.
  • There are some mathematical representations of writing on the cheques, which can to a certainty authenticate whether the check is real or fraud.
  • Fraud could be prevented by creating a National Fraud Database and enabling the Anti-Money Laundering features by keeping a special watch on the High Value / Volume cheques, special accounts, hot accounts etc. This database could be extremely useful in consolidation of cases across geographies/financial institutions for better prosecution.
  • The real or Fraud cheque could be easily identified by matching the cheques to this fraud database before take any kind of action on it.

RBI’s Initiative in Cheque Truncation System – 2010

The RBI set up a working group on Cheque Truncation and e-cheques, which studied the Truncation and Imaging processes of other countries and came out with the following recommendations:-

  • In India the cheques should be truncated at the presenting bank itself and there should not be any amount based restriction.
  • An electronic image based model will be the mode of truncation.
  • The storage requirement of the electronic image of physical cheques is necessary and the preservation period should be eight years.
  • Truncation and standardization of cheque format are seen as independent initiatives with the latter being implemented even after the introduction of cheque truncation. Therefore, currently the settlement should be on the basis of the current structure of the MICR fields.
  • Public key infrastructure (PKI) to be adopted to protect data and image flow over the network. Digital signatures should be used to establish authenticity, non-repudiation and integrity
  • The security requirements for the storage of images by the banks or the centralized warehousing agency should be in consonance with the requirements of the IT Act 2000.
  • From the point of view of efficiency and control, RBI is planning to set up a centralized clearing system and a central warehouse in Delhiwhere a single agency or individual drawee bank can act as the points of storage.

Keeping all these points in minds, RBI has already floated a RFP to various vendors to provide it with an all-inclusive technology for cheque truncation. It has plans of starting the Project in the National Capital Region by July 2005 and then rolling it out to other metros. The overall aim being to eliminate physical transfer of cheques in the peak centers in the next two years time.